Foobar2000:Preferences:Display:Context menu

From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase
Revision as of 01:52, 21 September 2008 by Yirkha (talk | contribs) (content++)

Context menu

This page contains options for managing items of the context menu for tracks displayed in playlist and other media library viewers.

Previous: Foobar2000:Preferences:Display:


Individual items are hierarchically sorted in a tree, divided into user-defined groups. Each group appears as an another popup menu, items in the base [ROOT] group show up in the context-menu itself.

To add a new item (a command, group or separator), right-click on a group name (or basic [ROOT] node) and choose the "Insert item" option. When choosing from available commands, it is possible to filter the list for faster look-up.

To remove an existing item, click on it with right mouse button and choose "Remove item".

To rearrange items, either simply drag-and-drop them around the tree, or use "Move up" and "Move down" commands in its context menu.

To rename a group, choose "Rename group" from its menu.


There are no subpages.
