Foobar2000 Talk:Title Formatting Reference

From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase
Revision as of 03:09, 15 May 2006 by Reglib (talk | contribs) (Now playing info)

is there a way to change the field remappings? for instance, i want to make use of the MB-supplied ORIGYEAR field when possible for the %DATE% field.. --Herr klang 15:33, 12 Jun 2005 (CDT)

IMO, this page is too complicated and too long. Suggest a table formatted version. See titleformat_help.html in your foobar program directory. Perhaps this page should exist as an expanded version to be consistent? --Reglib 02:01, 3 May 2006 (CDT)

%album artist% Defined as $if3($meta(album artist),$meta(artist),$meta(composer),$meta(performer)).
%album% Defined as $if3($meta(album),$meta(venue)).
%artist% Defined as $if3($meta(artist),$meta(album artist),$meta(composer),$meta(performer)).


Returns the disc number. The disc number is taken from the discnumber tag; if that does not exist, it is taken from the disc tag. If neither exist, the field is undefined.
%track artist% Defined as $meta(artist), if $meta(album artist) is different than $meta(artist), otherwise this field is empty.
%title% Defined as $if2($meta(title),%_filename%). Returns the title tag if available, otherwise it returns the filename excluding the extension.


Returns the tracknumber padded to two digits from the left with zeroes. The tracknumber is taken from the tracknumber tag; if that does not exist, it is taken from the track tag. If neither exist, this field is undefined.

Technical information
%bitrate% Defined as $if2($info(bitrate_dynamic),$info(bitrate)). Returns the current bitrate, if available, otherwise it returns the average bitrate. If neither is available, nothing is returned.
%channels% Defined as $channels(). Returns the number of channels in text form; returns "mono" and "stereo" instead of "1" and "2".
%filesize% Defined as %_filesize%. Returns the filesize in bytes.
%samplerate% Defined as $info(samplerate). Returns the samplerate in Hz.
%codec% Defined as $codec().

Special fields
%playlist_number% Defined as $num(%_playlist_number%,$len(%_playlist_total%)). Returns the position of the track as index into the playlist. The first track has index 1. The index is padded from the left with zeroes to the same number of digits as the last track.

Control flow
The functions in this section can be used to conditionally execute statements.
[...] Evaluates the expression between [ and ]. If it has the truth value true, its string value and the truth value true are returned. Otherwise an empty string and false are returned.

Example: [%artist%] returns the value of the artist tag, if it exists. Otherwise it returns nothing, when %artist% would return "?".

$if(cond,then) If cond evaluates to true, the then part is evaluated and its value returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
$if(cond,then,else) If cond evaluates to true, the then part is evaluated and its value returned. Otherwise, the else part is evaluated and its value returned.
$if2(a,else) Like $if(a,a,else) except that a is only evaluated once.
$if3(a1,a2,...,aN,else) Evaluates arguments a1 ... aN, until one is found that evaluates to true. If that happens, its value is returned. Otherwise the else part is evaluated and its value returned.
$ifgreater(n1,n2,then,else) Compares the integer numbers n1 and n2, if n1 is greater than n2, the then part is evaluated and its value returned. Otherwise the else part is evaluated and its value returned.
$iflonger(s1,s2,then,else) Compares the length of the strings s1 and s2, if s1 is longer than s2, the then part is evaluated and its value returned. Otherwise the else part is evaluated and its value returned.
$select(n,a1,...,aN) If the value of n is between 1 and N, an is evaluated and its value returned. Otherwise false is returned.

Arithmetic functions

The functions in this section can be used to perform arithmetic on integer numbers. A string will be automatically converted to a number and vice versa. The conversion to a number uses the longest prefix of the string, that can be interpreted as number. Leading whitespace is ignored.

Example: "c3po" -> 0, " -12" -> -12, but "- 12" -> 0

$add(a,b) Adds a and b.

Can be used with an arbitrary number of arguments. $add(a,b,...) is the same as $add($add(a,b),...).

$div(a,b) Divides a through b. If b evaluates to zero, it returns a.

Can be used with an arbitrary number of arguments. $div(a,b,...) is the same as $div($div(a,b),...).

$greater(a,b) Returns true, if a is greater than b, otherwise false.
$max(a,b) Returns the maximum of a and b.

Can be used with an arbitrary number of arguments. $max(a,b,...) is the same as $max($max(a,b),...).

$min(a,b) Returns the minimum of a and b.

Can be used with an arbitrary number of arguments. $min(a,b,...) is the same as $min($min(a,b),...).

$mod(a,b) Computes the remainder of dividing a through b. The result has the same sign as a. If b evaluates to zero, the result is a.

Can be used with an arbitrary number of arguments. $mod(a,b,...) is the same as $mod($mod(a,b),...).

$mul(a,b) Multiplies a and b.

Can be used with an arbitrary number of arguments. $mul(a,b,...) is the same as $mul($mul(a,b),...).

$muldiv(a,b,c) Multiplies a and b, then divides by c. The result is rounded to the nearest integer.
$rand() Generates a random number in the range from 0 to 232-1.
$sub(a,b) Subtracts b from a.

Can be used with an arbitrary number of arguments. $sub(a,b,...) is the same as $sub($sub(a,b),...).

Boolean functions

The functions in this section can be used to work with truth values (true and false), which have no explicit representation in titleformat scripts. They do not return a string or number value. You can use them for more complex conditions with $if and related functions.

$and(...) Logical And of an arbitrary number of arguments. Returns true, if and only if all arguments evaluate to true.

Special case: $and(x,y) is true, if both x and y are true. Otherwise it is false.

$or(...) Logical Or of an arbitrary number of arguments. Returns true, if at least one argument evaluates to true.

Special case: $or(x,y) is true, if x or y is true, or if both are true. Otherwise it is false.

$not(x) Logical Not. Returns false, if x is true, otherwise it returns true.
$xor(...) Logical Exclusive-or of an arbitrary number of arguments. Returns true, if an odd number of arguments evaluate to true.

Special case: $xor(x,y) is true, if one of x and y is true, but not both. Otherwise it is false.

Color functions

$blend(color1,color2,part,total) Returns a color that is a blend between color1 and color2. If part is smaller than or equal to zero, color1 is returned. If part is greater than or equal to total, color2 is returned. Otherwise a blended color is returned that is part parts color1 and total-part parts color2. The blending is performed in the RGB color space.
$hsl() Resets the text color to the default color.
$hsl(h,s,l) Sets the color for text in the HSL color space. h, s and l are the hue, saturation, and lightness of the color for unselected text. The color for selected text is set to the inverse color.

The ranges of h, s, and l are from 0 to 240; the function is designed to interpret those values in the same way as the standard Windows color dialog.

$hsl(h1,s1,l1,h2,s2,l2) Sets the color for text in the HSL color space. h1, s1 and l1 are the hue, saturation, and lightness of the color for unselected text. h2, s2 and l2 are the hue, saturation, and lightness of the color for selected text.
$rgb() Resets the text color to the default color.
$rgb(r,g,b) Sets the color for text. r, g and b are the red, green and blue component of the color for unselected text. The color for selected text is set to the inverse color.
$rgb(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2) Sets the color for text. r1, g1 and b1 are the red, green and blue component of the color for unselected text. r2, g2 and b2 are the red, green and blue component of the color for selected text.
$transition(string,color1,color2) Inserts color codes into string, so that the first character has color1, the last character has color2, and intermediate characters have blended colors. The blending is performed in the RGB color space. Note that color codes are additional characters that will also be counted by string manipulation functions. For example, if you need to truncate a string, you should do this before applying $transition.

Now playing info

The following functions and fields are only usable for scripts used with the currently playing item, ie: the status bar, the main window title, and the copy command script.

%playback_time% Returns the elapsed time formatted as [HH:]MM:SS.


Returns elapsed time in seconds.


Returns remaining time until track ends, formatted as [HH:]MM:SS.


Returns remaining time in seconds.


Returns the length of the track formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds.
%length_ex% Returns the length of the track formatted as hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.


Returns the length of the track in seconds.
%length_seconds_fp% Returns the length of the track in seconds as floating point number.
%length_samples% Returns the length of the track in samples.