Compiling aoTuV

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This information is older and requires a rewrite. It may or may not work on some of the newer AoTuV forks.

Here are notes for compiling aoTuV under Linux in case you do not want to use the pre-compiled binaries. If for example you want to optimize for your CPU, want to link other programs, or if you don't use an Intel-compatible CPU henceforth (AMD64 architectures).

  1. Get the patched libvorbis source code from the aoTuV website
  2. unpack the tarball and change into a temporary directory then you can use to build the software.
  3. If you want to overwrite your existing vorbis libraries:
CFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing sh ./configure
make install
If you want to keep your existing libraries:
CFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing sh ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install
Call oggenc as
LD_PRELOAD=`echo /usr/local/lib/libvorbis*.so` oggenc -q4 foo.wav

The flag -fno-strict-aliasing is necessary if you compile with gcc 4, see the thread on HydrogenAudio.