Foobar2000:Commandline Guide: Difference between revisions

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==Verbage from "foobar2000.exe /?"==
==General information==
Some features of foobar2000 can be accessed through a simple command line interface.

===Basic Help===
Each command line parameter is either parsed as a command (starting with a slash), or as the name of a file/folder that the user wishes to open or add to a playlist (the behaviour depends on other command line switches and setting under "Preferences > [[Foobar2000:Preferences:Shell_Integration|Shell Integration]]"). Arguments containing spaces can be escaped using double quotes, e.g. <code>foobar2000.exe "01 First Track.mp3"</code> or <code>foobar2000.exe "/command:Play or pause"</code> or <code>foobar2000.exe /command:"Play or pause"</code>.

Available switches:
The set of available command line commands can be extended using additional components.
/add, /play, /pause, /playpause, /prev, /next, /rand, /stop, /exit, /show, /hide, /config
/command:<menu command>, /playlist_command: <context menu command>,
/playing_command:<context menu command>

==Basic commands==
This is what <code>foobar2000.exe /?</code> shows as of version 1.1 &ndash; most of the commands are self-explanatory:

Available switches:
  /add <list-of-files> - appends the specified files to the current playlist instead of replacing the playlist content and playing them immediately
  /immediate - bypasses the "please wait" dialog when adding files
  /play, /pause, /playpause, /prev, /next, /rand, /stop - playback controls
  /exit - exits foobar2000
  /show, /hide - shows or hides the main foobar2000 window
  /config - opens the Preferences dialog
  /command:<menu command> - invokes the specified main menu command
  /playlist_command:<context menu command> - invokes the specified context menu command on current playlist selection
  /playing_command:<context menu command> - invokes the specified context menu command on currently played track
  /context_command:<context menu command> <files> - invokes the specified context menu command on the specified file

''See glossary below for <menu command> and <context menu command> options.''
'''Note: any command with a space in it, requires quotes around it.
:Changes the default behaviour of "opening" (replace active playlist and start playback) files and directories found on the command line.
Eg. foobar2000.exe /command:"Components/Album list"'''
===More Advanced Help===
/tag:help - displays this message
/tag:<command1>[;<command2>;<command3>...] <file1> [<file2> <file3>...]
* Sets <NAME> field to <VALUE>, e.g. "/tag:title=test <file>".
* You can erase particular field by specifying empty value, e.g. "/tag:comment= <file>".
* You can also specify multiple values by separating them with \ character, e.g. "/tag:artist=name1\name2 <file>".
* Sets TRACKNUMBER field of multiple files according to their order in commandline.
* E.g. "/tag:AUTOTRACKNUMBER <file1> <file2> <file3>" will assign TRACKNUMBER=1 to <file1>, 2 to <file2> and 3 to <file3>.
* Formats <FIELD> using <SPEC>; see title formatting manual for more info how to use it.
* E.g. "/tag:FORMAT:COMMENT:"%ARTIST% - %TITLE%" <file>".
* Guesses field values using <PATTERN>, according to <SPEC>.
* To perform "guess values from filename" action, use "/tag:GUESS:<PATTERN>:%_FILENAME% <file>".
* E.g. "/tag:GUESS:"%TRACKNUMBER%. %TITLE%":%_FILENAME% <file>".
From above examples explained:
c:\Program Files\Foobar2000\foobar2000.exe /tag:artist=name1\name2 <file>
''Use this when you want to put in static text. You cannot use this with any foobar variables.
c:\Program Files\Foobar2000\foobar2000.exe /tag:FORMAT:COMMENT:"%ARTIST% - %TITLE%" <file>
c:\Program Files\Foobar2000\foobar2000.exe /tag:FORMAT:TITLE:"%_FILENAME%" <file>
''Use this when you want to put in text from foobar variables.''

===Main Menu Items===
:foobar2000 always sorts incoming files using the pattern configured under "Preferences > [[Foobar2000:Preferences:Shell_Integration|Shell Integration]]". Because there is a possibility that more files belonging to the same batch will be passed to the program, adding the items really to a playlist is postponed until no new file is received for a short while, because only with the full set of incoming files they can be correctly sorted. Use this option to disable this behaviour for the currently added items.
You can find these listed under:
Foobar2000 | Preferences | Keyboard Shortcuts : Action tree under [Main]
* Components/Add XA file(s)...
* Components/Album list
* Components/Columns UI/Decrease font size
* Components/Columns UI/Enable sidebar
* Components/Columns UI/Increase font size
* Components/Columns UI/Show now playing
* Components/Columns UI/Show sidebar
* Components/Columns UI/Show statusbar
* Components/Columns UI/Show toolbars
* Components/Database search
* Components/Database search help
* Components/Entended Playlist Generator/Configure Playlist Query...
* Components/Entended Playlist Generator/Generate Playlist...
* Components/Extended Search
* Components/Hide Database search
* Components/History
* Components/History help
* Components/Open XA file(s)...
* Components/Play audio CD...
* Components/Record
* Components/Reset shuffle history
* Components/Search command...
* Components/Show console
* Components/Toggle Database search
* Components/Visualization/Simple spectrum
* Foobar2000/About
* Foobar2000/Activate
* Foobar2000/Activate or hide
* Foobar2000/Always on top
* Foobar2000/Close
* Foobar2000/Hide
* Foobar2000/Preferences
* Foobar2000/Reset configuration
* Foobar2000/Restart
* Foobar2000/Titleformatting help
* Playback/Copy now playing
* Playback/Follow cursor
* Playback/History/Clear history
* Playback/History/Next in history
* Playback/History/Previous in history
* Playback/Next
* Playback/Next or random
* Playback/Order/Default
* Playback/Order/Random
* Playback/Order/Repeat
* Playback/Order/Repeat One
* Playback/Order/Shuffle
* Playback/Order/Shuffle album
* Playback/Order/Shuffle album 2
* Playback/Order/Shuffle tag set
* Playback/Pause
* Playback/Play
* Playback/Play or pause
* Playback/Previous
* Playback/Random
* Playback/ReplayGain/Album
* Playback/ReplayGain/Disabled
* Playback/ReplayGain/Track
* Playback/Seek ahead by 1 minute
* Playback/Seek ahead by 1 second
* Playback/Seek ahead by 10 minutes
* Playback/Seek ahead by 10 seconds
* Playback/Seek ahead by 2 minutes
* Playback/Seek ahead by 20 seconds
* Playback/Seek ahead by 5 minutes
* Playback/Seek ahead by 5 seconds
* Playback/Seek back by 1 minute
* Playback/Seek back by 1 second
* Playback/Seek back by 10 minutes
* Playback/Seek back by 10 seconds
* Playback/Seek back by 2 minutes
* Playback/Seek back by 30 seconds
* Playback/Seek back by 5 minutes
* Playback/Seek back by 5 seconds
* Playback/Set volume to 0dB
* Playback/Set volume to -12dB
* Playback/Set volume to -15dB
* Playback/Set volume to -18dB
* Playback/Set volume to -21dB
* Playback/Set volume to -3dB
* Playback/Set volume to -6dB
* Playback/Set volume to -9dB
* Playback/Stop
* Playback/Stop after current
* Playback/Volume down
* Playback/Volume mute
* Playback/Volume up
* Playlist/Add directory...
* Playlist/Add files...
* Playlist/Add location...
* Playlist/Add playlist...
* Playlist/Clear
* Playlist/Collect tracks
* Playlist/Copy tracks
* Playlist/Create new playlist
* Playlist/Cut tracks
* Playlist/Edit/Redo
* Playlist/Edit/Remove clipboard items
* Playlist/Edit/Remove history items
* Playlist/Edit/Undo
* Playlist/Highlight playing item
* Playlist/Insert tracks
* Playlist/Load playlist...
* Playlist/Move back
* Playlist/Move forward
* Playlist/Next playlist
* Playlist/Open...
* Playlist/Paste tracks
* Playlist/Playlist switcher
* Playlist/Previous playlist
* Playlist/Remove active playlist
* Playlist/Remove dead entries
* Playlist/Remove duplicates
* Playlist/Rename playlist...
* Playlist/Save all playlists...
* Playlist/Save playlists...
* Playlist/Scroller/Autofocus enabled
* Playlist/Scroller/Autofocus requires no selection
* Playlist/Scroller/Autofocus to playlist
* Playlist/Scroller/Autofocus/On pause/5. Autofocus + Highlight
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/Focus
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/Focus + Highlight (Keep Selection)
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/Focus + Highlight (Single)
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/Highlight
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/Make visible
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/1. Do nothing
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/2. Autofocus
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/3. Highlight
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/4. Autofocus + Highlight (Single)
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/5. Autofocus + Highlight (Keep Selection)
* Playlist/Scroller/Current track/6. Make visible
* Playlist/Scroller/On pause/1. Do nothing
* Playlist/Scroller/On pause/2. Autofocus
* Playlist/Scroller/On pause/3. Highlight
* Playlist/Scroller/On pause/4. Autofocus + Highlight (Single)
* Playlist/Scroller/On pause/6. Make visible
* Playlist/Scroller/On unpause/1. Do nothing
* Playlist/Scroller/On unpause/2. Autofocus
* Playlist/Scroller/On unpause/3. Highlight
* Playlist/Scroller/On unpause/4. Autofocus + Highlight (Single)
* Playlist/Scroller/On unpause/5. Autofocus + Highlight (Keep Selection)
* Playlist/Scroller/On unpause/6. Make visible
* Playlist/Scroller/Refocus on playlist switch
* Playlist/Search...
* Playlist/Selection/Crop
* Playlist/Selection/Invert
* Playlist/Selection/Remove
* Playlist/Selection/Select all
* Playlist/Selection/Select none
* Playlist/Selection/Sort/Randomize
* Playlist/Selection/Sort/Reverse
* Playlist/Selection/Sort/Sort by ...
* Playlist/Selection/Sort/Sort by album
* Playlist/Selection/Sort/Sort by artist
* Playlist/Selection/Sort/Sort by display name
* Playlist/Selection/Sort/Sort by file path
* Playlist/Selection/Sort/Sort by title
* Playlist/Selection/Sort/Sort by track number
* Playlist/Sort/Randomize
* Playlist/Sort/Reverse
* Playlist/Sort/Sort by ...
* Playlist/Sort/Sort by album
* Playlist/Sort/Sort by artist
* Playlist/Sort/Sort by display name
* Playlist/Sort/Sort by file path
* Playlist/Sort/Sort by title
* Playlist/Sort/Sort by track number
* Playlist/Undo

===Context Menu Items===
;<code>/command:<...></code> and <code>/xxx_command:<...></code>
You can find these listed under:
:The command names can be derived e.g. from the "Preferences > [[Foobar2000:Preferences:General:Keyboard_Shortcuts|Keyboard Shortcuts]]" dialog: look in the sub-section ''[main]'' for main menu commands (e.g. <code>/command:Console</code>) or ''[context]'' for the other types (e.g. <code>/playing_command:Properties</code>). Use only the final command name; do not specify the name of the parent menu or any other part of the menu path/group. (Note: this limits the usage of these commands in some cases; look into the [[Foobar2000:Components_0.9/Run_Commands_(foo_runcmd)|Run Commands (foo_runcmd)]] component if you need more functionality.)
Foobar2000 | Preferences | Core | Context Menu Items | Right-click a group item and choose "Insert Item | Command"

* ABX two tracks...
* Bit-compare tracks...
Known components which provide additional command line functionality:
* Convert/Run conversion
* [[Foobar2000:Components/Masstagger_(foo_masstag)|Masstagger (foo_masstag)]] &ndash; <code>/tag:xxx</code> commands for tag modifications.
* Convert/Run conversion, single file output
* [[Foobar2000:Components_0.9/Run_Commands_(foo_runcmd)|Run Commands (foo_runcmd)]] &ndash; Family of <code>/runcmd=...</code> commands for advanced execution of main/context menu commands.
* Convert/Settings...
* Copy name(s)
* Create Off Preview
* Database search/Search for same album
* Database search/Search for same artist
* Database search/Search for same date
* Database search/Search for same title
* Database search/Search for same venue
* Database search/Search for same...
* Database/Reload info from file(s)
* Database/Reload info from file(s) if changed
* Database/Remove file(s) from database
* Database/Remove tags from file(s)
* Database/Rewrite file tags from database
* Edit/Add to playlist
* Edit/Collect tracks
* Edit/Copy tracks
* Edit/Cut tracks
* Edit/Insert into playlist
* Edit/Insert tracks
* Edit/Paste tracks
* Edit/Remove from playlist
* Edit/Send to playlist
* Fix MP3 header...
* freedb/Configure
* freedb/Get tags
* freedb/Get tags (multiple albums)
* freedb/Manual query
* freedb/Search
* Highlight in playlist
* Mastagger/Copy tags
* Mastagger/Edit tags
* Mastagger/Move, rename or copy files
* Module: Change starting order or subsong
* MP4 utilities/Converter (AAC,MP3 <-> MP4)
* MP4 utilities/Converter (AAC,MP3 <-> MP4), different directory
* MP4 utilities/MP4 Layout Optimizer
* NSFE: Edit Length
* NSFE: Edit Playlist
* Open directory
* Play
* Properties
* PSF: Edit Length
* Replaygain/Edit replaygain info (advanced)
* Replaygain/Remove replaygain info from files
* Replaygain/Scan per-file track gain
* Replaygain/Scan selection as album
* Replaygain/Scan selection as multiple albums
* Save as playlist
* Search command...
* Send to playlist...
* Show file info (special)
* Show file info (special) Multiple items...
* SPC: Edit Length
* Write APL link file(s)
* Write Audio CD...
* XA: Rip
* XA: Scan

[[Category:foobar2000 Guides|Commandline Guide]]
[[Category:foobar2000 Guides|Commandline Guide]]

Latest revision as of 19:39, 10 June 2022


General information

Some features of foobar2000 can be accessed through a simple command line interface.

Each command line parameter is either parsed as a command (starting with a slash), or as the name of a file/folder that the user wishes to open or add to a playlist (the behaviour depends on other command line switches and setting under "Preferences > Shell Integration"). Arguments containing spaces can be escaped using double quotes, e.g. foobar2000.exe "01 First Track.mp3" or foobar2000.exe "/command:Play or pause" or foobar2000.exe /command:"Play or pause".

The set of available command line commands can be extended using additional components.

Basic commands

This is what foobar2000.exe /? shows as of version 1.1 – most of the commands are self-explanatory:

Available switches:
  /add <list-of-files> - appends the specified files to the current playlist instead of replacing the playlist content and playing them immediately
  /immediate - bypasses the "please wait" dialog when adding files
  /play, /pause, /playpause, /prev, /next, /rand, /stop - playback controls
  /exit - exits foobar2000
  /show, /hide - shows or hides the main foobar2000 window
  /config - opens the Preferences dialog
  /command:<menu command> - invokes the specified main menu command
  /playlist_command:<context menu command> - invokes the specified context menu command on current playlist selection
  /playing_command:<context menu command> - invokes the specified context menu command on currently played track
  /context_command:<context menu command> <files> - invokes the specified context menu command on the specified file


Changes the default behaviour of "opening" (replace active playlist and start playback) files and directories found on the command line.
foobar2000 always sorts incoming files using the pattern configured under "Preferences > Shell Integration". Because there is a possibility that more files belonging to the same batch will be passed to the program, adding the items really to a playlist is postponed until no new file is received for a short while, because only with the full set of incoming files they can be correctly sorted. Use this option to disable this behaviour for the currently added items.
/command:<...> and /xxx_command:<...>
The command names can be derived e.g. from the "Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts" dialog: look in the sub-section [main] for main menu commands (e.g. /command:Console) or [context] for the other types (e.g. /playing_command:Properties). Use only the final command name; do not specify the name of the parent menu or any other part of the menu path/group. (Note: this limits the usage of these commands in some cases; look into the Run Commands (foo_runcmd) component if you need more functionality.)


Known components which provide additional command line functionality: